Tag Archive | Consulting

At least 10 reasons why some business owners fear success – what side are you on?

How frightened are you of success? That may seem an incredibly odd thing to say but many companies and businesses that I talk to are very much frightened of success and have little or no direction or ambition.

I have been in business for a long time now and have worked for multi-nationals and have started and grown companies, managed businesses in the UK, Europe and around the world and the one thing I have learned is that there are a lot of people out there who are happy with the status quo and accept their lot in life.

I work with Sandler Training, one of the world’s foremost sales training companies and one on the key things they say is that you are only limited by yourself not anyone else, and that is very true.

In business if you want to grow you have to be able to think a little laterally but have direction, drive and ambition.

Fear-of-FailureHowever, with that opportunity comes fear the fear of success, we are working with a new platform that will go live at the end of this month which will give many new companies and SME’s the chance of success.

This means that companies may have the possibility to get their business exposed to around 4 million business people in the UK and have their message delivered to potentially 28 million social media accounts.

That with some will cause panic and fear because it will mean orders and work outside of their sphere of control.

For others it will mean that their opportunity to break through the status quo will have come and the opportunity will be taken.

Now to when that breakthrough for a business comes you should already be prepared have a business and sales plan in place, including the basic building blocks for your business.

Myself and our company now deal with and support many businesses who frankly are under-prepared, have been ill advised and are happy with what they have. So when the opportunity comes they fail to grasp it.

However, when we advise and work with businesses what I do not promise is a miracle cure or “do this” and orders will come because in my experience the world is not like that, it’s about planning, focusing on what you do best and putting in the hard yards and surrounding yourself with key support companies, staff and people you can trust and really on.

Do not kid yourself that business is done in isolation, it is not.

Success_desktop_wallpaperIt also means marketing with vigor, because if you have the best “mouse trap in the world” but no one knows about they will not buy. If you have a great website but no visitors then you are not getting your message out in a way your customers understand and if you are not using social media and perhaps some more traditional methods then again no one see you.

Many companies seem happy to pay people for “stealth marketing” even worse some pay thousand for no support at all because they are fearful of change.

It all takes hard work planning and making more noise than the competition, posting and praying is not the answer and nor is just putting your video on YouTube or posting a blog on Tumblr which no one knows about. They all have to be promoted and nurtured and your image and business grown and fostered to your business audience.

It also means thinking outside the box and learning from those that have made a success of businesses in the past. Remember, there are many “business guru’s” out there all willing to take your hard earned money, but how many have actually run a business, how many have set businesses up around the world? How many are consulting for multi-nationals and SME’s? How are working with the leading academics and universities in the UK? How many have contacts with the ability to help you with sales and marketing and pretty much all business activities as well save you money streamlining your business because they have done it with their own businesses?

How many can create tried and tested websites, proven Social Media marketing, how many can make you video content, run Webinars or have their own TV studio’s, how many can introduce you to money saving services in a variety of areas that actually work because they have done it and split tested the results.

How many can offer you 6o years of business experience and how many can find you the key staff or business adviser’s in a variety of disciplines make your business excel?

And finally how many can offer you access to a platform where your voice will be heard by up to 4 million businesses in the UK?

success-hd-for-secrets-of-in-words-beh-et-mutlu-668990If you are one of those paralyzed by fear lying awake at night wondering how to pay the bills and are happy with that status quo then good luck.

For anyone else with passion and a desire to succeed in business and as Susan Jeffers said is prepared to “feel the fear and do it anyway” and “Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action” then perhaps it might be worth talking to people who know.

Get in touch at info@guvnormedia.co.uk or email me directly at edudkorichardson@guvnormedia.com

I look forward to hearing from you and I will explain more about the opportunities we offer and how you can get involved by getting your business new or old in front of potentially 4 million UK clients.

There will be more comment and announcements from Guvnor Media as our business grows and opportunities for our clients grow over the coming months.
By Ewart Dudko-Richardson

Twitter : @EwartRichardson or @GuvnorMedia_

Email : info@guvnormedia.co.uk

Website : http://www.guvnormedia.co.uk


Website : http://www.guvnormedia.com

London a Better Place to works than New York?

London is the most popular city in the world to work in, an international survey of more than 200,000 people found, with nearly one in six of those questioned wanting to move to the British capital to secure employment.

The study by The Boston Consulting Group and totaljobs.com found respondents from 189 countries ranked London above New York and Paris, while Britain was second behind the United States as the most appealing country for international jobseekers.

London skylineWhile the survey – described by its compilers as the most expansive study conducted on worker mobility – found that almost two thirds of jobseekers were willing to move abroad to work, within Britain only 44 percent of people want to move overseas for work.

“This report cements London’s reputation as a truly global city,” said Mike Booker, of totaljobs.com. “Not only does it offer a wealth of job opportunities in a range of industries, but it boasts some of the world’s top cultural attractions, so it’s no surprise that people across the globe want to come and work here.”

The survey of a mixture of the employed, unemployed, self-employed and students included a mix of people actively looking for a job, those not actively looking but open to opportunities and workers not looking for a new job at the moment.

It would be interesting to find out what those of you currently working in London think, you have the details below let me know your thoughts? Is London the best place in the world to work and live?


Edited, Sourced and Commented by Ewart Dudko-Richardson

Comments to info@biztobiztv.com or tweet @BizToBizTV or @EwartRichardson

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